My journey, my passion

A life dedicated to the creation and the color

As far as I can remember, the artistic creation has always been an essential part of my life. Since my childhood, I am passionate about painting, drawing, and craftsexploring new ways to express myself through the color. It is in seeking to understand this deep connection with the colors, this makes me vibrate with each stroke of the brush, that I discovered their true power thanks to the chromotherapy.

Isabelle Bouhon Chrom'Art - Chromotherapie, Workshops and Training

The revelation of the color

When the light is invited into my art

My meeting with the chromotherapy has been a revelation. I realized that the colorsbeyond their visual appearance, emit energy vibrations capable to influence our well-being. This discovery has transformed my way of creating : every color, every shade that I use is chosen for its specific properties, and each table becomes a work of both artistic and vibration.

Today, I multiplied the exhibitions in Belgium, but also to the international ! My works are among many collections in Belgium and abroad.

Isabelle Bouhon Chrom'Art - Chromotherapie, Workshops and Training

"Each painting is an invitation to feel the vibrant energy of colors. My works, chromotherapeutic, are unique and allow you to reconnect with your inner essence in order to brighten your everyday life."

Encounter with the unexpected

When my works meet their owner

My tables are not simply works of art, these are entities full, created for enter in resonance with those who find them. Each of my works is patiently waiting to meet the person for which it was designed, the one that needs its energy, one that feel an immediate bond and deep. When this meeting occurs, magic operates : the painting comes to life, illuminating its new space, and bringing with him a new energy and beneficial.

See my paintings
Isabelle Bouhon Chrom'Art - Chromotherapie, Workshops and Training

Lithotherapy: the evolution continues

Innovate to grow my creations

My work is in constant evolution. I am continually striving to push the boundaries of my creativity by incorporating new materials, such as 24-carat gold leaf and precious stones, in a lithotherapy approach to enhance the impact and vibrations of my pieces. Each painting is an exploration, a quest for perfection where art and energy merge to create something unique and powerful.


My works leave a indelible mark in the lives of those who have encountered. Check out the testimonials of people who share their unique experience with my paintings.

Leave a review Isabelle Bouhon Chrom'Art - Chromotherapie, Workshops and Training

    A new ally of sweetness in my living room massages. The canvas Moon light, I've seen it and I fell in love... This sea both strong and calm, the light of the moon and the purple that inspires relaxation. I don't get tired of contemplating it and am happy to share its benefits sweet and relaxing with you . The artist who the author is is an extraordinary lady who uses the benefits of colours for us to do well. Thank you Isabelle Bouhon – Chrom'Art of giving me the chance to adopt this marvel. I take this opportunity to advise you to go to an expo, it is a unique experience !

    Ritual Ostara

    I have participated in these workshops, art therapy, and they have allowed me to get to know me better. Isabelle Bouhon – Chrom'Art a beautiful person to discover, guided me with kindness in this journey. Through each creative gesture, I was able to express emotions buried and make it a truly work on myself. These workshops have enriched me and helped me to convey deep emotions. If you are looking for you to reconnect to yourself or to explore your inner world, I highly recommend these moments of creation guided. They offer a path to harmony and self-discovery.


    What exposure but, more importantly, what is a sensory experience. As soon as you walk in the door of this castle, all your senses are awakening. A feeling of well-being and a sense of heat throughout your visit... both by the beauty of these paintings and the energy that emanates from each of them by the various experiences olfactory, visual, and other proposed. Every color, every smell, every sound has an impact on our person. I really enjoyed the part herbalist where herbal teas are made-to-measure according to your needs. Thank you for this magical moment Isa ✨🌸 please Do not hesitate to go to discover this exceptional artist 🌺 The exhibition is still available today and tomorrow at the château de Waleffe!


    Yesterday I met an artist, fabulous. Bravo for his charisma. It is comforting to connect with people of a journey beautiful. She wants to share his or her vibration-high the colors through chronotherapeutics. Each artist is unique. It is a nice person and listening, and open-mindedness that warms the heart.

    Ma Nature

    I went to the Expo to Isabelle in Huy in a gale of wind, overwhelmed in this period. Another lady full of sweetness welcomed me. Encountering the works of the artist, for me it was as if she was there, and not just anyone. I found that his paintings were of profound rays of light that are involved in our aura for several hours. I lived the activity of the life of the colors a bit as in the functions of the energies tibetan with the practices of the past, I am interested in the vision of Isabelle that I feel like a being of light whose passion is helping humanity as a whole Can -t -she still much to create and to express his magic and congratulations to the lucky ones who are accompanied of his works in their shelter ! What a wonder... Thank you !


    These tables and warm colors harmonize perfectly in my interior, I love the small formats that adorn the walls close in my entry. It is nice of me to sit and contemplate in peace and quiet. Thank You Isabelle...


    What happiness to each view of your paint! It fills me with joy and light ! Your table has found its place in our dining room. It illuminates incredibly ! The result is beautiful ! Thank you for this beautiful energy that emanates from it and of which I have the happiness to enjoy each day ! Congratulations for your work and thanks again !


    At each brightness it unfolds and brings the inspiration in this room, which is already my favorite. This work brings much more than its beauty, it makes me dream, it reminds me of the intentions that I have filed in the last full moon. It is a symbol that's going to accompany me, and I hope to encourage the steps to accomplish what I'm on earth. Thank you for the synchronicity that has this been nice meeting.


    It is wonderful for me. This changes the whole atmosphere. Thank you for the generosity with which you have created yourself.


    My turn I just thank for the life, for this beautiful gift more than she has done for me by the presence in us of the painting " Meditation ". Its radiation is not in any case the suggestion. It has a special energy that shakes the body and the soul. Our world has so much in need. Thank You Isabelle...

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